Snowflake Knowledge check Quiz

Created by Paul Sammy

Snowflake Quiz basic

SNOWDBA Knowledge Checker Test 1.0

20 Questions chosen at Random to test your knowledge.


You have 3 minutes so think fast.

1 / 20

A Warehouse is charged at a minimum of 60 seconds then per second billing is used?

2 / 20

Only a table has a encryption key not a micro partition?

3 / 20

There is no limit on the number of Data Shares a Provider can provision?

4 / 20

What 2 settings control when a query will be killed if queued or running to long?

5 / 20

Which of the below can we perform on data when we LOAD into a table in Snowflake?

6 / 20

There is a limit of 100 databases that can be replicated per account?

7 / 20

Snowflake has a default file format if none is explicitly set?

8 / 20

We should always use ORDER BY clause in a subquery for the implicit performance gains?

9 / 20

Resource Monitor notifications are sent to all Account Administrators?

10 / 20

How many Accounts can a customer own?

11 / 20

Which of the below Roles has the privilege to define Network Policies?

12 / 20

Which of below Function can operate on Semi-Structured data?

13 / 20

A UDF can return a set of rows (UDFT), but a stored procedure can't?

14 / 20

Why would we CAST data from a Variant?

15 / 20

External tables provide a flexible way to write and unload data from snowflake?

16 / 20

Which of these Cloud Providers does Snowflake support?

17 / 20

Pipes do not support semi structured data?

18 / 20

What does Tri Secret Secure mean?

19 / 20

In a Network policy if we Whitelist something then everything else is automatically blacklisted?

20 / 20

Data Shares can only be dropped once approved by a Consumer?

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