PostgreSQL 16 Install RHEL 8

*Note rpm for Postgres16 install does not appear to be available as standard for RHEL 7

1. Install the repository RPM

sudo dnf install -y

Updating Subscription Management repositories.
Last metadata expiration check: 2:19:56 ago on Fri 29 Dec 2023 14:28:16 GMT.
pgdg-redhat-repo-latest.noarch.rpm 37 kB/s | 13 kB 00:00

Dependencies resolved.

Package Architecture Version Repository Size

pgdg-redhat-repo noarch 42.0-35PGDG @commandline 13 k

Transaction Summary

Install 1 Package

Total size: 13 k
Installed size: 15 k
Downloading Packages:
Running transaction check
Transaction check succeeded.
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded.
Running transaction
Preparing : 1/1
Installing : pgdg-redhat-repo-42.0-35PGDG.noarch 1/1
Verifying : pgdg-redhat-repo-42.0-35PGDG.noarch 1/1
Installed products updated.



2. Disable the built-in PostgreSQL module

sudo dnf -qy module disable postgresql

[root@dhome01 ~]# dnf -qy module disable postgresql
Importing GPG key 0x442DF0F8:
Userid : “PostgreSQL RPM Building Project”
Fingerprint: 68C9 E2B9 1A37 D136 FE74 D176 1F16 D2E1 442D F0F8
From : /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-PGDG
Importing GPG key 0x442DF0F8:
Userid : “PostgreSQL RPM Building Project”
Fingerprint: 68C9 E2B9 1A37 D136 FE74 D176 1F16 D2E1 442D F0F8
From : /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-PGDG
Importing GPG key 0x442DF0F8:
Userid : “PostgreSQL RPM Building Project”
Fingerprint: 68C9 E2B9 1A37 D136 FE74 D176 1F16 D2E1 442D F0F8
From : /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-PGDG
Importing GPG key 0x442DF0F8:
Userid : “PostgreSQL RPM Building Project”
Fingerprint: 68C9 E2B9 1A37 D136 FE74 D176 1F16 D2E1 442D F0F8
From : /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-PGDG
Importing GPG key 0x442DF0F8:
Userid : “PostgreSQL RPM Building Project”
Fingerprint: 68C9 E2B9 1A37 D136 FE74 D176 1F16 D2E1 442D F0F8
From : /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-PGDG
Importing GPG key 0x442DF0F8:
Userid : “PostgreSQL RPM Building Project”
Fingerprint: 68C9 E2B9 1A37 D136 FE74 D176 1F16 D2E1 442D F0F8
From : /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-PGDG
Importing GPG key 0x442DF0F8:
Userid : “PostgreSQL RPM Building Project”
Fingerprint: 68C9 E2B9 1A37 D136 FE74 D176 1F16 D2E1 442D F0F8
From : /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-PGDG

3. Install PostgreSQL:

sudo dnf install -y postgresql16-server

Updating Subscription Management repositories.
Last metadata expiration check: 0:03:30 ago on Fri 29 Dec 2023 16:49:40 GMT.

Dependencies resolved.

Package Architecture Version Repository Size

postgresql16-server x86_64 16.1-4PGDG.rhel8 pgdg16 6.7 M
Installing dependencies:
postgresql16 x86_64 16.1-4PGDG.rhel8 pgdg16 1.9 M
postgresql16-libs x86_64 16.1-4PGDG.rhel8 pgdg16 327 k

Transaction Summary

Install 3 Packages

Total download size: 8.9 M
Installed size: 39 M
Downloading Packages:
(1/3): postgresql16-libs-16.1-4PGDG.rhel8.x86_64.rpm 369 kB/s | 327 kB 00:00
(2/3): postgresql16-16.1-4PGDG.rhel8.x86_64.rpm 965 kB/s | 1.9 MB 00:02

(3/3): postgresql16-server-16.1-4PGDG.rhel8.x86_64.rpm 1.1 MB/s | 6.7 MB 00:06

Total 1.4 MB/s | 8.9 MB 00:06
PostgreSQL 16 for RHEL / Rocky 8 – x86_64 1.6 MB/s | 1.7 kB 00:00
Importing GPG key 0x442DF0F8:
Userid : “PostgreSQL RPM Building Project”
Fingerprint: 68C9 E2B9 1A37 D136 FE74 D176 1F16 D2E1 442D F0F8
From : /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-PGDG
Key imported successfully
Running transaction check
Transaction check succeeded.
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded.
Running transaction
Preparing : 1/1
Installing : postgresql16-libs-16.1-4PGDG.rhel8.x86_64 1/3
Running scriptlet: postgresql16-libs-16.1-4PGDG.rhel8.x86_64 1/3
Installing : postgresql16-16.1-4PGDG.rhel8.x86_64 2/3
Running scriptlet: postgresql16-16.1-4PGDG.rhel8.x86_64 2/3
Running scriptlet: postgresql16-server-16.1-4PGDG.rhel8.x86_64 3/3
Installing : postgresql16-server-16.1-4PGDG.rhel8.x86_64 3/3
Running scriptlet: postgresql16-server-16.1-4PGDG.rhel8.x86_64 3/3
Verifying : postgresql16-16.1-4PGDG.rhel8.x86_64 1/3
Verifying : postgresql16-libs-16.1-4PGDG.rhel8.x86_64 2/3
Verifying : postgresql16-server-16.1-4PGDG.rhel8.x86_64 3/3
Installed products updated.

postgresql16-16.1-4PGDG.rhel8.x86_64 postgresql16-libs-16.1-4PGDG.rhel8.x86_64 postgresql16-server-16.1-4PGDG.rhel8.x86_64


4. Optionally initialize the database and enable automatic start:

sudo /usr/pgsql-16/bin/postgresql-16-setup initdb

Initializing database … OK

sudo systemctl enable postgresql-16

Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → /usr/lib/systemd/system/postgresql-16.service.

sudo systemctl start postgresql-16

5. Optionally Install postgresql contrib extension

sudo dnf install -y postgresql16-contrib

Updating Subscription Management repositories.
Last metadata expiration check: 2:22:02 ago on Fri 29 Dec 2023 22:13:21 GMT.

Dependencies resolved.

Package Architecture Version Repository Size

postgresql16-contrib x86_64 16.1-4PGDG.rhel8 pgdg16 758 k

Transaction Summary

Install 1 Package

Total download size: 758 k
Installed size: 2.7 M
Downloading Packages:

postgresql16-contrib-16.1-4PGDG.rhel8.x86_64.rpm 1.5 MB/s | 758 kB 00:00

Total 1.5 MB/s | 758 kB 00:00
Running transaction check
Transaction check succeeded.
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded.
Running transaction
Preparing : 1/1
Installing : postgresql16-contrib-16.1-4PGDG.rhel8.x86_64 1/1
Running scriptlet: postgresql16-contrib-16.1-4PGDG.rhel8.x86_64 1/1
Verifying : postgresql16-contrib-16.1-4PGDG.rhel8.x86_64 1/1
Installed products updated.

