Postgres 16 Beginners Knowledge Quiz

Created by Paul Sammy

Postgres 16 Beginner Knowledge Checker Test 1.0

20 Questions chosen at Random to test your knowledge.

You have 3 minutes so think fast.

1 / 20

Which of below support incremental backups?

2 / 20

superuser can be locked to certain IPs

3 / 20

Which flag in psql can be used to save output to a file?

4 / 20

Which data types are valid character types??

5 / 20

Which command modifies Database settings at the cluster level?

6 / 20

An update in Postgres is performed in place on the same data page?

7 / 20

pgcrypto supports only 1 way encryption?

8 / 20

pg_stats command is used to collect table statistics?

9 / 20

What is the purpose of the WAL writer?

10 / 20

Which flag in psql will list all tablespaces

11 / 20

Which of below are types of SQL in Postgres:

12 / 20

Which environment variable can be set to avoid specifying a database when using psql connections?

13 / 20

Which tools allow Point in Time recovery?

14 / 20

Is it possible to reserve connections for superusers?

15 / 20

Which 2 commands can either be run to reload update to pg_hba.conf

16 / 20

COPY FROM : copies data from a table to a file

17 / 20

Which connectors does Postgres Support?

18 / 20

You should disable the default postgresql module before on Linux before installing the postgres server?

19 / 20

How can we easily find the definition of a View in Postgres?

20 / 20

Which of below arguments are needed for psql connections?

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