Install EDB Postgres Enterprise Manager (PEM) on RHEL 8

Below we will document the steps to install EDB’s flagship tool to manage Postgres Databases, Postgres Enterprise Manager (PEM) on RHEL 8, this will require a FREE EDB account to generate a repository key.

PEM is a licensed product and the purpose of below is for educational purposes only.

Steps are performed as root unless specified otherwise, you could also use a user with sudo privilege as well for root commands.

Step 1: Create a Unix Service to stop and start a new PEM db we create later

vi /usr/lib/systemd/system/pemdata.service
# It's not recommended to modify this file in-place, because it will be
# overwritten during package upgrades.  It is recommended to use systemd
# "dropin" feature;  i.e. create file with suffix .conf under
# /etc/systemd/system/postgresql-16.service.d directory overriding the
# unit's defaults. You can also use "systemctl edit postgresql-16"
# Look at systemd.unit(5) manual page for more info.

# Note: changing PGDATA will typically require adjusting SELinux
# configuration as well.

# Note: do not use a PGDATA pathname containing spaces, or you will
# break postgresql-16-setup.
Description=PostgreSQL 16 database server



# Note: avoid inserting whitespace in these Environment= lines, or you may
# break postgresql-setup.

# Location of database directory

# Where to send early-startup messages from the server (before the logging
# options of postgresql.conf take effect)
# This is normally controlled by the global default set by systemd
# StandardOutput=syslog

# Disable OOM kill on postgres main process

ExecStartPre=/usr/pgsql-16/bin/postgresql-16-check-db-dir ${PGDATA}
ExecStart=/usr/pgsql-16/bin/postgres -D ${PGDATA}
ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID
# Do not set any timeout value, so that systemd will not kill postgres 
# main process during crash recovery.

# 0 is the same as infinity, but "infinity" needs systemd 229



Insert above into /usr/lib/systemd/system/pemdata.service file and save.

Step 2: Create a new postgres database cluster called pemdata to contain PEM data

/usr/pgsql-16/bin/postgresql-16-setup initdb pemdata

as root or sudo create a new database cluster for PEM data using above command.

Initializing database … OK

vi /var/lib/pgsql/16/pemdata/postgresql.conf
port = 5401

add above port, the default port 5432 will be commented out

systemctl start pemdata
systemctl enable pemdata

Enable and start service for PEM database

Step 3: As postgres user update the password for postgres user using psql

su - postgres
psql -p 5401
ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD 'postgres';

Step 4: Update pg_hba.conf authentication file

vi /var/lib/pgsql/16/pemdata/pg_hba.conf
local all all scram-sha-256

Insert above line

/usr/pgsql-16/bin/pg_ctl -D /var/lib/pgsql/16/pemdata reload

reload pg_hba.conf update to database server settings

Step 5: Generate a EDB repository key to download PEM

Go to link below to generate a repository key for PEM.

Log into account (or create an account if you don’t have a login its freee)

Select ‘Repo Access’ Request Access Copy the Token

6. Download PEM Server setup script

Please update <Repo Token> with the Token from above step it will be a long alphanumeric hash value.

curl -1sLf '<Repo Token>/enterprise/' | sudo -E bash
Executing the  setup script for the 'enterprisedb/enterprise' repository ...

   OK: Checking for required executable 'curl' ...
   OK: Checking for required executable 'rpm' ...
   OK: Detecting your OS distribution and release using system methods ...
 ^^^^: ... Detected/provided for your OS/distribution, version and architecture:
 >>>>: ... distro=rhel  version=8.9  codename=Ootpa  arch=x86_64  
   OK: Importing 'enterprisedb/enterprise' repository GPG keys into rpm ...
   OK: Checking for available package manager (DNF/Microdnf/YUM/Zypper) ...
 ^^^^: ... Detected package manager as 'dnf'
   OK: Checking for dnf dependency 'dnf-plugins-core' ...
   OK: Checking if upstream install config is OK ...
   OK: Fetching 'enterprisedb/enterprise' repository configuration ...
   OK: Installing 'enterprisedb/enterprise' repository via dnf ...
  RUN: Updating the dnf cache to fetch the new repository metadata ...Importing GPG key 0x9F1EF813:
 Userid     : "Cloudsmith Package (enterprisedb/enterprise) <>"
 Fingerprint: 31A4 CF09 0B3A E265 F131 58DE E71E B082 9F1E F813
 From       :<Repo Token>/enterprise/gpg.E71EB0829F1EF813.key
Importing GPG key 0x9F1EF813:
 Userid     : "Cloudsmith Package (enterprisedb/enterprise) <>"
 Fingerprint: 31A4 CF09 0B3A E265 F131 58DE E71E B082 9F1E F813
 From       :<Repo Token>/enterprise/gpg.E71EB0829F1EF813.key
Importing GPG key 0x9F1EF813:
 Userid     : "Cloudsmith Package (enterprisedb/enterprise) <>"
 Fingerprint: 31A4 CF09 0B3A E265 F131 58DE E71E B082 9F1E F813
 From       :<Repo Token>/enterprise/gpg.E71EB0829F1EF813.key
   OK: Updating the dnf cache to fetch the new repository metadata ...
   OK: The repository has been installed successfully - You're ready to rock!

Step 7. Install Extra patches for Enterprise Linux (EPEL)

I had to use a direct link for this as below:

dnf install -y
Updating Subscription Management repositories.
Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:43 ago on Sat 06 Jan 2024 16:26:40 GMT.
epel-release-latest-8.noarch.rpm                                                                                                                52 kB/s |  25 kB     00:00    
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                                     Architecture                          Version                                   Repository                                   Size
 epel-release                                noarch                                8-19.el8                                  @commandline                                 25 k

Transaction Summary
Install  1 Package

Total size: 25 k
Installed size: 35 k
Downloading Packages:
Running transaction check
Transaction check succeeded.
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded.
Running transaction
  Preparing        :                                                                                                                                                       1/1 
  Installing       : epel-release-8-19.el8.noarch                                                                                                                          1/1 
  Running scriptlet: epel-release-8-19.el8.noarch                                                                                                                          1/1 
Many EPEL packages require the CodeReady Builder (CRB) repository.
It is recommended that you run /usr/bin/crb enable to enable the CRB repository.

  Verifying        : epel-release-8-19.el8.noarch                                                                                                                          1/1 
Installed products updated.


/usr/bin/crb enable
Output: Took 10 minute to run and turn back to prompt for me!
Enabling CRB repo

Repository 'codeready-builder-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms' is enabled for this system.

CRB repo is enabled and named: codeready-builder-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms

Run PEM configuration file provide the details below:

Step 8: Install PEM and pre-req packages

dnf install -y edb-pem postgresql16-contrib sslutils_16
Updating Subscription Management repositories.
Red Hat CodeReady Linux Builder for RHEL 8 x86_64 (RPMs)                                                                                       4.8 MB/s | 8.8 MB     00:01    
Package postgresql16-contrib-16.1-4PGDG.rhel8.x86_64 is already installed.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                                 Architecture          Version                                                   Repository                                       Size
 edb-pem                                 x86_64                9.4.1-1.el8                                               enterprisedb-enterprise                          13 k
 sslutils_16                             x86_64                1.3-3.el8                                                 enterprisedb-enterprise                          50 k
Installing dependencies:
 apr                                     x86_64                1.6.3-12.el8                                              rhel-8-for-x86_64-appstream-rpms                130 k
 apr-util                                x86_64                1.6.1-9.el8                                               rhel-8-for-x86_64-appstream-rpms                106 k
 boost169-atomic                         x86_64                1.69.0-5.el8                                              epel                                             12 k
 boost169-chrono                         x86_64                1.69.0-5.el8                                              epel                                             25 k
 boost169-date-time                      x86_64                1.69.0-5.el8                                              epel                                             28 k
 boost169-filesystem                     x86_64                1.69.0-5.el8                                              epel                                             50 k
 boost169-program-options                x86_64                1.69.0-5.el8                                              epel                                            149 k
 boost169-regex                          x86_64                1.69.0-5.el8                                              epel                                            271 k
 boost169-system                         x86_64                1.69.0-5.el8                                              epel                                             12 k
 boost169-thread                         x86_64                1.69.0-5.el8                                              epel                                             58 k
 edb-pem-agent                           x86_64                9.4.1-1.el8                                               enterprisedb-enterprise                         926 k
 edb-pem-cli                             x86_64                9.4.1-1.el8                                               enterprisedb-enterprise                         507 k
 edb-pem-docs                            x86_64                9.4.1-1.el8                                               enterprisedb-enterprise                          81 M
 edb-pem-server                          x86_64                9.4.1-1.el8                                               enterprisedb-enterprise                          42 M
 edb-python310                           x86_64                3.10.9-1.rhel8                                            enterprisedb-enterprise                          31 M
 edb-python310-mod-wsgi                  x86_64                4.9.4-1.rhel8                                             enterprisedb-enterprise                         467 k
 httpd                                   x86_64                2.4.37-62.module+el8.9.0+19699+7a7a2044                   rhel-8-for-x86_64-appstream-rpms                1.4 M
 httpd-filesystem                        noarch                2.4.37-62.module+el8.9.0+19699+7a7a2044                   rhel-8-for-x86_64-appstream-rpms                 44 k
 httpd-tools                             x86_64                2.4.37-62.module+el8.9.0+19699+7a7a2044                   rhel-8-for-x86_64-appstream-rpms                111 k
 libcurl-pem                             x86_64                8.4.0-1.el8                                               enterprisedb-enterprise                         825 k
 mod_http2                               x86_64                1.15.7-8.module+el8.9.0+19080+567b90f8.3                  rhel-8-for-x86_64-appstream-rpms                155 k
 mod_ssl                                 x86_64                1:2.4.37-62.module+el8.9.0+19699+7a7a2044                 rhel-8-for-x86_64-appstream-rpms                141 k
 redhat-logos-httpd                      noarch                84.5-2.el8                                                rhel-8-for-x86_64-baseos-rpms                    29 k
 snmp++                                  x86_64                3.4.2-1.rhel8                                             enterprisedb-enterprise                         1.1 M
Installing weak dependencies:
 apr-util-bdb                            x86_64                1.6.1-9.el8                                               rhel-8-for-x86_64-appstream-rpms                 25 k
 apr-util-openssl                        x86_64                1.6.1-9.el8                                               rhel-8-for-x86_64-appstream-rpms                 27 k
Enabling module streams:
 httpd                                                         2.4                                                                                                            

Transaction Summary
Install  28 Packages

Total download size: 160 M
Installed size: 452 M
Downloading Packages:
(1/28): edb-pem-9.4.1-1.el8.x86_64.rpm                                                                                                          18 kB/s |  13 kB     00:00    
(2/28): edb-pem-agent-9.4.1-1.el8.x86_64.rpm                                                                                                   951 kB/s | 926 kB     00:00    
(3/28): edb-pem-cli-9.4.1-1.el8.x86_64.rpm                                                                                                     500 kB/s | 507 kB     00:01    
(4/28): edb-pem-server-9.4.1-1.el8.x86_64.rpm                                                                                                  3.6 MB/s |  42 MB     00:11    
(5/28): edb-python310-mod-wsgi-4.9.4-1.rhel8.x86_64.rpm                                                                                        784 kB/s | 467 kB     00:00    
(6/28): libcurl-pem-8.4.0-1.el8.x86_64.rpm                                                                                                     1.1 MB/s | 825 kB     00:00    
(7/28): snmp++-3.4.2-1.rhel8.x86_64.rpm                                                                                                        1.3 MB/s | 1.1 MB     00:00    
(8/28): sslutils_16-1.3-3.el8.x86_64.rpm                                                                                                       117 kB/s |  50 kB     00:00    
(9/28): boost169-atomic-1.69.0-5.el8.x86_64.rpm                                                                                                 47 kB/s |  12 kB     00:00    
(10/28): boost169-chrono-1.69.0-5.el8.x86_64.rpm                                                                                               427 kB/s |  25 kB     00:00    
(11/28): boost169-date-time-1.69.0-5.el8.x86_64.rpm                                                                                            205 kB/s |  28 kB     00:00    
(12/28): boost169-filesystem-1.69.0-5.el8.x86_64.rpm                                                                                           676 kB/s |  50 kB     00:00    
(13/28): edb-python310-3.10.9-1.rhel8.x86_64.rpm                                                                                               2.0 MB/s |  31 MB     00:15    
(14/28): boost169-program-options-1.69.0-5.el8.x86_64.rpm                                                                                      312 kB/s | 149 kB     00:00    
(15/28): boost169-system-1.69.0-5.el8.x86_64.rpm                                                                                               178 kB/s |  12 kB     00:00    
(16/28): boost169-thread-1.69.0-5.el8.x86_64.rpm                                                                                               1.0 MB/s |  58 kB     00:00    
(17/28): boost169-regex-1.69.0-5.el8.x86_64.rpm                                                                                                813 kB/s | 271 kB     00:00    
(18/28): apr-1.6.3-12.el8.x86_64.rpm                                                                                                            99 kB/s | 130 kB     00:01    
(19/28): mod_ssl-2.4.37-62.module+el8.9.0+19699+7a7a2044.x86_64.rpm                                                                            104 kB/s | 141 kB     00:01    
(20/28): apr-util-bdb-1.6.1-9.el8.x86_64.rpm                                                                                                    24 kB/s |  25 kB     00:01    
(21/28): apr-util-openssl-1.6.1-9.el8.x86_64.rpm                                                                                                23 kB/s |  27 kB     00:01    
(22/28): httpd-filesystem-2.4.37-62.module+el8.9.0+19699+7a7a2044.noarch.rpm                                                                    43 kB/s |  44 kB     00:01    
(23/28): httpd-2.4.37-62.module+el8.9.0+19699+7a7a2044.x86_64.rpm                                                                              834 kB/s | 1.4 MB     00:01    
(24/28): edb-pem-docs-9.4.1-1.el8.x86_64.rpm                                                                                                   3.9 MB/s |  81 MB     00:20    
(25/28): httpd-tools-2.4.37-62.module+el8.9.0+19699+7a7a2044.x86_64.rpm                                                                         73 kB/s | 111 kB     00:01    
(26/28): mod_http2-1.15.7-8.module+el8.9.0+19080+567b90f8.3.x86_64.rpm                                                                         128 kB/s | 155 kB     00:01    
(27/28): apr-util-1.6.1-9.el8.x86_64.rpm                                                                                                        94 kB/s | 106 kB     00:01    
(28/28): redhat-logos-httpd-84.5-2.el8.noarch.rpm                                                                                               17 kB/s |  29 kB     00:01    
Total                                                                                                                                          6.7 MB/s | 160 MB     00:24     
Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 8 - x86_64                                                                                                 1.6 MB/s | 1.6 kB     00:00    
Importing GPG key 0x2F86D6A1:
 Userid     : "Fedora EPEL (8) <>"
 Fingerprint: 94E2 79EB 8D8F 25B2 1810 ADF1 21EA 45AB 2F86 D6A1
 From       : /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-8
Key imported successfully
Running transaction check
Transaction check succeeded.
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded.
Running transaction
  Running scriptlet: edb-pem-agent-9.4.1-1.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                      1/1 
  Running scriptlet: edb-pem-server-9.4.1-1.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                     1/1 
  Preparing        :                                                                                                                                                       1/1 
  Installing       : boost169-system-1.69.0-5.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                  1/28 
  Running scriptlet: boost169-system-1.69.0-5.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                  1/28 
  Installing       : apr-1.6.3-12.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                              2/28 
  Running scriptlet: apr-1.6.3-12.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                              2/28 
  Installing       : apr-util-bdb-1.6.1-9.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                      3/28 
  Installing       : apr-util-openssl-1.6.1-9.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                  4/28 
  Installing       : apr-util-1.6.1-9.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                          5/28 
  Running scriptlet: apr-util-1.6.1-9.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                          5/28 
  Running scriptlet: httpd-filesystem-2.4.37-62.module+el8.9.0+19699+7a7a2044.noarch                                                                                      6/28 
  Installing       : httpd-filesystem-2.4.37-62.module+el8.9.0+19699+7a7a2044.noarch                                                                                      6/28 
  Installing       : libcurl-pem-8.4.0-1.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                       7/28 
  Installing       : edb-python310-3.10.9-1.rhel8.x86_64                                                                                                                  8/28 
  Installing       : edb-pem-cli-9.4.1-1.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                       9/28 
  Installing       : httpd-tools-2.4.37-62.module+el8.9.0+19699+7a7a2044.x86_64                                                                                          10/28 
  Installing       : boost169-chrono-1.69.0-5.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                 11/28 
  Running scriptlet: boost169-chrono-1.69.0-5.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                 11/28 
  Installing       : boost169-filesystem-1.69.0-5.el8.x86_64                                                                                                             12/28 
  Running scriptlet: boost169-filesystem-1.69.0-5.el8.x86_64                                                                                                             12/28 
  Installing       : boost169-thread-1.69.0-5.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                 13/28 
  Running scriptlet: boost169-thread-1.69.0-5.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                 13/28 
  Installing       : redhat-logos-httpd-84.5-2.el8.noarch                                                                                                                14/28 
  Installing       : mod_http2-1.15.7-8.module+el8.9.0+19080+567b90f8.3.x86_64                                                                                           15/28 
  Installing       : httpd-2.4.37-62.module+el8.9.0+19699+7a7a2044.x86_64                                                                                                16/28 
  Running scriptlet: httpd-2.4.37-62.module+el8.9.0+19699+7a7a2044.x86_64                                                                                                16/28 
  Installing       : edb-python310-mod-wsgi-4.9.4-1.rhel8.x86_64                                                                                                         17/28 
  Installing       : mod_ssl-1:2.4.37-62.module+el8.9.0+19699+7a7a2044.x86_64                                                                                            18/28 
  Installing       : boost169-regex-1.69.0-5.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                  19/28 
  Running scriptlet: boost169-regex-1.69.0-5.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                  19/28 
  Installing       : boost169-program-options-1.69.0-5.el8.x86_64                                                                                                        20/28 
  Running scriptlet: boost169-program-options-1.69.0-5.el8.x86_64                                                                                                        20/28 
  Installing       : boost169-date-time-1.69.0-5.el8.x86_64                                                                                                              21/28 
  Running scriptlet: boost169-date-time-1.69.0-5.el8.x86_64                                                                                                              21/28 
  Installing       : boost169-atomic-1.69.0-5.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                 22/28 
  Running scriptlet: boost169-atomic-1.69.0-5.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                 22/28 
  Installing       : snmp++-3.4.2-1.rhel8.x86_64                                                                                                                         23/28 
  Running scriptlet: edb-pem-agent-9.4.1-1.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                    24/28 
  Installing       : edb-pem-agent-9.4.1-1.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                    24/28 
  Running scriptlet: edb-pem-agent-9.4.1-1.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                    24/28 
  Running scriptlet: edb-pem-server-9.4.1-1.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                   25/28 
  Installing       : edb-pem-server-9.4.1-1.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                   25/28 
  Running scriptlet: edb-pem-server-9.4.1-1.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                   25/28 

NOTE : To complete the installation process, run '/usr/edb/pem/bin/'.

  Installing       : edb-pem-docs-9.4.1-1.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                     26/28 
  Installing       : edb-pem-9.4.1-1.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                          27/28 
  Installing       : sslutils_16-1.3-3.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                        28/28 
  Running scriptlet: sslutils_16-1.3-3.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                        28/28 
  Running scriptlet: httpd-2.4.37-62.module+el8.9.0+19699+7a7a2044.x86_64                                                                                                28/28 
  Running scriptlet: edb-pem-agent-9.4.1-1.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                    28/28 
  Running scriptlet: edb-pem-server-9.4.1-1.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                   28/28 
  Running scriptlet: sslutils_16-1.3-3.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                        28/28 
  Verifying        : edb-pem-9.4.1-1.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                           1/28 
  Verifying        : edb-pem-agent-9.4.1-1.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                     2/28 
  Verifying        : edb-pem-cli-9.4.1-1.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                       3/28 
  Verifying        : edb-pem-docs-9.4.1-1.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                      4/28 
  Verifying        : edb-pem-server-9.4.1-1.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                    5/28 
  Verifying        : edb-python310-3.10.9-1.rhel8.x86_64                                                                                                                  6/28 
  Verifying        : edb-python310-mod-wsgi-4.9.4-1.rhel8.x86_64                                                                                                          7/28 
  Verifying        : libcurl-pem-8.4.0-1.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                       8/28 
  Verifying        : snmp++-3.4.2-1.rhel8.x86_64                                                                                                                          9/28 
  Verifying        : sslutils_16-1.3-3.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                        10/28 
  Verifying        : boost169-atomic-1.69.0-5.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                 11/28 
  Verifying        : boost169-chrono-1.69.0-5.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                 12/28 
  Verifying        : boost169-date-time-1.69.0-5.el8.x86_64                                                                                                              13/28 
  Verifying        : boost169-filesystem-1.69.0-5.el8.x86_64                                                                                                             14/28 
  Verifying        : boost169-program-options-1.69.0-5.el8.x86_64                                                                                                        15/28 
  Verifying        : boost169-regex-1.69.0-5.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                  16/28 
  Verifying        : boost169-system-1.69.0-5.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                 17/28 
  Verifying        : boost169-thread-1.69.0-5.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                 18/28 
  Verifying        : apr-1.6.3-12.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                             19/28 
  Verifying        : mod_ssl-1:2.4.37-62.module+el8.9.0+19699+7a7a2044.x86_64                                                                                            20/28 
  Verifying        : apr-util-bdb-1.6.1-9.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                     21/28 
  Verifying        : apr-util-openssl-1.6.1-9.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                 22/28 
  Verifying        : httpd-2.4.37-62.module+el8.9.0+19699+7a7a2044.x86_64                                                                                                23/28 
  Verifying        : httpd-filesystem-2.4.37-62.module+el8.9.0+19699+7a7a2044.noarch                                                                                     24/28 
  Verifying        : httpd-tools-2.4.37-62.module+el8.9.0+19699+7a7a2044.x86_64                                                                                          25/28 
  Verifying        : mod_http2-1.15.7-8.module+el8.9.0+19080+567b90f8.3.x86_64                                                                                           26/28 
  Verifying        : apr-util-1.6.1-9.el8.x86_64                                                                                                                         27/28 
  Verifying        : redhat-logos-httpd-84.5-2.el8.noarch                                                                                                                28/28 
Installed products updated.

  apr-1.6.3-12.el8.x86_64                                                                  apr-util-1.6.1-9.el8.x86_64                                                        
  apr-util-bdb-1.6.1-9.el8.x86_64                                                          apr-util-openssl-1.6.1-9.el8.x86_64                                                
  boost169-atomic-1.69.0-5.el8.x86_64                                                      boost169-chrono-1.69.0-5.el8.x86_64                                                
  boost169-date-time-1.69.0-5.el8.x86_64                                                   boost169-filesystem-1.69.0-5.el8.x86_64                                            
  boost169-program-options-1.69.0-5.el8.x86_64                                             boost169-regex-1.69.0-5.el8.x86_64                                                 
  boost169-system-1.69.0-5.el8.x86_64                                                      boost169-thread-1.69.0-5.el8.x86_64                                                
  edb-pem-9.4.1-1.el8.x86_64                                                               edb-pem-agent-9.4.1-1.el8.x86_64                                                   
  edb-pem-cli-9.4.1-1.el8.x86_64                                                           edb-pem-docs-9.4.1-1.el8.x86_64                                                    
  edb-pem-server-9.4.1-1.el8.x86_64                                                        edb-python310-3.10.9-1.rhel8.x86_64                                                
  edb-python310-mod-wsgi-4.9.4-1.rhel8.x86_64                                              httpd-2.4.37-62.module+el8.9.0+19699+7a7a2044.x86_64                               
  httpd-filesystem-2.4.37-62.module+el8.9.0+19699+7a7a2044.noarch                          httpd-tools-2.4.37-62.module+el8.9.0+19699+7a7a2044.x86_64                         
  libcurl-pem-8.4.0-1.el8.x86_64                                                           mod_http2-1.15.7-8.module+el8.9.0+19080+567b90f8.3.x86_64                          
  mod_ssl-1:2.4.37-62.module+el8.9.0+19699+7a7a2044.x86_64                                 redhat-logos-httpd-84.5-2.el8.noarch                                               
  snmp++-3.4.2-1.rhel8.x86_64                                                              sslutils_16-1.3-3.el8.x86_64                                                       


Step 9: Run PEM Configuration script

We will use settings below when prompted by the script:

  1. Install type :Web Services (option 1)
  2. local database server installation path :/usr/pgsql-16
  3. database super user name : postgres
  4. Enter database server port number :5401
  5. Enter database super user password : postgres
  6. CIDR formatted Network range : (default)
  7. Enter database systemd unit file : pemdata
  8. Please specify agent certificate path : /root/.pem/ (default)
 EDB Postgres Enterprise Manager
Install type: 1:Web Services and Database, 2:Web Services 3: Database [ ] :1
Enter local database server installation path (i.e. /usr/edb/as12 , or /usr/pgsql-12, etc.) [ ] :/usr/pgsql-16
Enter database super user name [ ] :postgres
Enter database server port number [ ] :5401
Enter database super user password [ ] :
Please enter CIDR formatted network address range that agents will connect to the server from, to be added to the server's pg_hba.conf file. For example, [ ] :
Enter database systemd unit file or init script name (i.e. edb-as-12 or postgresql-12, etc.) [ ] :pemdata
Please specify agent certificate path (Script will attempt to create this directory, if it does not exists) [ /root/.pem/ ] :


-->  [Info] -->  [Info] Generating certificates.
-->  [Info] -->  [Info] Executing systemctl stop pemdata
-->  [Info] -->  [Info] Writing configurations in /var/lib/pgsql/16/pemdata/pg_hba.conf file
-->  [Info] -->  [Info] Writing configurations in /var/lib/pgsql/16/pemdata/postgresql.conf file
-->  [Info] -->  [Info] Executing systemctl start pemdata
Postgres Enterprise Manager Agent registered successfully!

-->  [Info] -->  [Info] Registering database server with PEM server.

-->  [Info] -->  [Info] Enable pemagent service.
-->  [Info] -->  [Info] Executing systemctl enable pemagent
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → /usr/lib/systemd/system/pemagent.service.
-->  [Info] -->  [Info] Stop pemagent service
-->  [Info] -->  [Info] Executing systemctl stop pemagent
-->  [Info] -->  [Info] Start pemagent service.
-->  [Info] -->  [Info] Executing systemctl start pemagent
-->  [Info] -->  [Info] Configuring httpd server
-->  [Info] -->  [Info] Executing systemctl stop httpd
-->  [Info] -->  [Info] Creating /usr/edb/pem/web/pem.wsgi
-->  [Info] -->  [Info] Generating PEM Cookie Name.
-->  [Info] -->  [Info] Creating /usr/edb/pem/web/
-->  [Info] -->  [Info] Creating /etc/httpd/conf.d/edb-pem.conf
-->  [Info] -->  [Info] Configuring httpd server sslconf
-->  [Info] -->  [Info] Taking backup of /etc/httpd/conf.d/edb-ssl-pem.conf
-->  [Info] -->  [Info] Executing /usr/edb/pem/web/
Postgres Enterprise Manager - Application Initialisation
-->  [Info] -->  [Info] Check and Configure SELinux security policy for PEM
 getenforce found, now executing 'getenforce' command
 Configure the httpd to work with the SELinux
 Allow the httpd to connect the database (httpd_can_network_connect_db = on)
 Allow the httpd to connect the network (httpd_can_network_connect = on)
 Allow the httpd to work with cgi (httpd_enable_cgi = on)
 Allow to read & write permission on the 'pem' user home directory
 SELinux policy is configured for PEM
-->  [Info] -->  [Info] Executing systemctl start httpd
-->  [Info] -->  [Info] Configured the webservice for EDB Postgres Enterprise Manager (PEM) Server on port '8443'.
-->  [Info] -->  [Info] PEM server can be accessed at at your browser

STEP 11: Enable HTTPD for auto restart

systemctl enable httpd
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → /usr/lib/systemd/system/httpd.service.

Step 12: Login to EDB Postgres Enterprise Manager (PEM)

Use URL below, localhost on port 8443.

Accept the Risk and Continue

Login as user ‘postgres’ password ‘postgres’

You should now be logged in as below: